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Plant closing will leave 140 unemployed

A family-owned local textile manufacturer will close the plant it operated for nearly 30 years here. Carolina Cotton Works, located at the Meadowcreek Corporate Park, will shut down effective July 2, leaving 140 employees out of work, Cherokee County Development Board’s Executive Director Ken Moon said. The sale of the dyeing and finishing business to a broker has been in... READ MORE >

Superintendent, county administrator explain reasons for strong fund balances

NOTE: Cherokee County School District Interim Superintendent Thomas White and Cherokee County Administrator Merv Bishop responded Tuesday to a request from The Ledger for comment on the District’s unassigned fund balance of $33 million and the county’s $23 million fund balance. Due to time constraints we were unable to include this information in Wednesday’s article. The paper White refers to... READ MORE >

CHAPS asks to be included annually in city’s budget

CHAPS President Dinah Hamrick had a simple question for Gaffney City Council on Monday. “How important is it to you that (the Cherokee County Museum) stay open and maintained?,” Hamrick asked. She’s hoping important enough that council appropriate $100,000 as a budget line item every fiscal year. With an opening of a new addition that nearly doubles the museum’s size,... READ MORE >

Here’s the church, where’s the steeple?

Scaffolding and metal fences aren’t usually things associated with churches, but driving down Cherokee Avenue, the church construction sight is noticeable as Cherokee Avenue Baptist Church’s steeple and bell tower are currently under construction. According to the church’s Minister of Music, Debbie Wood, these repairs come after the church was severely damaged during a hailstorm. In addition to damage to... READ MORE >

Company donates trucks to SCC for use in diesel mechanics program

Christmas came early when Benore Logistic System donated four trucks this spring to the new Diesel Power and Emerging Technologies program at Spartanburg Community College (SCC). Spartanburg Community College is the state’s first higher education school to offer a diesel power program. It is designed to provide students with hands-on training and practical experience servicing 18-wheeler trucks, heavy equipment and... READ MORE >

Yep, that’s his name

A 26-year-old man is in jail after violating probation and pulling a gun on an officer May 3. Probation officers, assisted by deputies from the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office, went to the home of Wilson Wilson Wilson May 3 for a home check. At some point, Wilson pulled a gun out of his waistband and pointed it at a probation... READ MORE >


My mother, Mrs. Ella Mae Littlejohn, has been with Jesus since 2007. Time definitely has eased the pain of separation, but time has also faded my memories. Circumstances in my life cause me to think about her a lot, to miss her, and to reflect on what a blessing she was to me. At birth, our mothers were an instrument... READ MORE >


Motherhood is amazing and all of you mothers are amazing and your poise is unmatched and you are the most powerful and awesome things in the world... And now that I have the standard Mother’s Day sentiments out of the way, please allow me to give you a very different kind of Mother’s Day column this year, because you and... READ MORE >


I’m what they once referred to as a “night owl.” That’s what they called someone who stayed up until all hours of the night, or, as we used to say, “the wee hours of the morning.” Why is that, you might ask. Well, it’s usually because “night owls” just have a great deal of difficulty falling asleep. We’re just not... READ MORE >

James “Jim” Broome, Jr.

(October 24, 1945 – May 7, 2024) Fort Mill, SC — Jim quietly and peacefully (and knowing Jim joyfully) left this world at Palmetto Patriots VA Home to be at home in heaven in the Face of God. The expression “he never met a stranger” applies 100% to Jim. If you met him, you’d never forget him because he was... READ MORE >