

What a blessing she was to me

My mother, Mrs. Ella Mae Littlejohn, has been with Jesus since 2007. Time definitely has eased the pain of separation, but time has also faded my memories. Circumstances in my life cause me to think about her a lot, to miss her, and to reflect on what a blessing she was to me. At birth, our mothers were an instrument […]


Different kind of Mother’s day column

Motherhood is amazing and all of you mothers are amazing and your poise is unmatched and you are the most powerful and awesome things in the world… And now that I have the standard Mother’s Day sentiments out of the way, please allow me to give you a very different kind of Mother’s Day column this year, because you and […]


That does it; I’m going to bed

I’m what they once referred to as a “night owl.” That’s what they called someone who stayed up until all hours of the night, or, as we used to say, “the wee hours of the morning.” Why is that, you might ask. Well, it’s usually because “night owls” just have a great deal of difficulty falling asleep. We’re just not […]


Cherish the memories

This column was orignally published on May 9, 2018. I dedicate it today to all the mothers out there and to all the sons whose mothers have died. Cherish the memories. If she is no longer with us, what is the one thing you remember most about your mother? If she is still living, what is it about her that […]


Evolving graduation ceremonies

This weekend, I like thousands of others gathered for college graduations. This is a time of great joy. For myself I watched my oldest son walk across the stage at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma where I have taught for the past 13 years. Best graduation I have attended. I walked across a similar stage 24 years […]


Life is a gift from God. He wants you to live a life filled with purpose. Every day when He allows you to wake up, you have something meaningful to do. At times it may not seem like it. You may wander aimlessly, feeling lost, believing that your life has no purpose. You may be stuck in a “rut” where […]


Kanye and porn

In November of 2019, I wrote a column with the most surprising of titles, “Welcome To The Family, Kanye.” Music mogul Kanye West reportedly made a profession of faith in Christ, and the reactions around the world ranged from celebration to utter shock to cynical disbelief. In that column, I wrote the following words: “If it is Kanye we have […]


What great thinkers probably think about

I have long been a big fan of Edgar Allen Poe. So much so that I’m sure I have mentioned him in previous writings. Remember how Poe talked about pondering weak and weary once upon a midnight dreary? I don’t know what he had been doing that made him so weak and weary, and I’m not sure what made his […]



The South Carolina Department of Transportation is an easy target when it comes to public criticism. Some of it is deserved and some of it is unwarranted. There are some dedicated employees who do their best to keep our highways and byways in good condition. And then there are the bureaucrats who do what bureaucrats do, which is being concerned […]

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