He falls down, but he gets back up. Every single time.Free Access



Have you ever felt like you couldn’t do something because of a trait that makes you different?

Russell Jones knows that feeling all too well. He was born premature and later diagnosed with cerebral palsy, a neurological disorder that can affect muscle tone and range of motion. Growing up in a rural area in North Carolina, students at school did not understand Jones’ disability.

People relentlessly made fun of him throughout school; he decided that he wasn’t going to let people laugh at him, but with him.

Jones currently resides in Gaffney with his wife Amanda and two children, David and Zoe. They are active in both religious and community activities. As a family, they enjoy serving and supporting various volunteer activities.

In addition to his outside involvements, Jones writes poems and anecdotes for his website,

The goal of the website is to inspire all people to keep going and reach for their goals, no matter what stands in their way.

“Nobody is an accident or a mistake,” said Jones. “I believe it is important for all people to know that they are made in the image of God and created for a purpose.”

And that’s exactly the message he’s now spreading.

One day, Jones was at home when he suddenly thought of a new poem. He sat down and typed it out into the notes app on his phone and sent it to his wife. She loved what he wrote, and together they decided it should be turned into a book. The book was illustrated to represent a diverse group of children. The art was done by Rock Hill graphic artist Douglas Niday.

The book is titled “You’ll Have To Do It Differently,” and shares a message that everyone is created with a purpose. While the book is aimed at children with disabilities, Jones thinks that anyone can relate to the message of the book, as everyone has experienced times of uncertainty.

His wife is inspired by him, and helps him to spread the message by running the website for his poetry and book. She designed a logo inspired by Jones’ message — one of a Phoenix rising from the ashes.

Russell knows falling down, but what he wants people to see is that he gets back up. Every single time. “You’ll Have To Do It Differently” is ready to be added to your personal library to remind you of your resilience.

The price of the book is $15 and it can be purchased on Jones’ website, or at The Gaffney Ledger office at 1604 W. Floyd Baker Blvd.

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